Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Tools
Downhole Tools
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Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Tools
Downhole Tools
For more information on any of our products or services please call us at the number above or click here for a quick quote:
NGT-T2 Gamma
The Giant Leap forward the drilling industry has been waiting for!
Products and Solutions
With more than 30 years of innovative and reliable products and design solutions for the upstream oil and gas industry, CBG offers a comprehensive line of downhole gamma tools for Measurement While Drilling (MWD) and Logging While Drilling (LWD).
CBG is the leading worldwide supplier of MWD/LWD gamma tools. The probe based NGT-T Gamma tool is the industry standard and was originally designed for the first Tensor system in 1993. In addition, the next generation NGT-T2 and NGT-HTR gamma tools designed to support the industry for years to come, our tools continue to lead the way in measuring naturally occurring gamma radiation emitted from the formation surrounding the drill bit.
CBG’s smaller diameter scintillator gamma tools meet design requirements for newer collar mounted applications. The NGT-075-B is the smallest diameter scintillator gamma on the market at only ¾” OD. The NGT-100 at 1.0” OD and the NGT-CSX-B at 1.05” OD, are also small enough to be mounted within the drill collar but offer higher sensitivity.
CBG also supplies directionally sensitive or “focused” gamma tools such as the DGA-C and the Dual-Detector–DDG for Azimuthal gamma measurements.
In addition to our catalog of standard CBG gamma sensors, we are ready to work with your engineers to develop custom designed technology solutions to meet your specific requirements. We have designed and manufactured many custom gamma tools for customers around the globe.
As Directional Drilling continues to push the limits with faster ROP and longer laterals, gamma tools must continue to improve to meet the challenges of higher shock, vibration and temperature. CBG goes to great lengths to ensure its products are reliable and up to the challenge with advanced in-house testing.
Utilizing the recently installed HASS environmental test chamber, every CBG product is subjected to extensive high temperature and vibration testing to ensure reliable drilling fluid and drilling tools performance and data transmission from the start of the job through its completion.
New Product Releases!
NGT-T2 Gamma
Introducing CBG’s next generation of downhole gamma sensor technology. The NGT-T2 is the next big leap forward to accommodate future drilling needs. It’s vibration specification is 25% higher than our NGT-T and other competitor tools on the market. It also has a higher temperature rating (182°C) and wider input voltage range (10v-50v, 60v Max).
NGT-HTR 190°C Gamma
The NGT-HTR is a next generation gamma designed to operate in severe, high temperature drilling environments. It is fully operational to 190°C with a vibration specification that is 25% higher than competing tools on the market.
NGT-100 1.0” GAMMA
NGT-100 is CBG’s next generation small diameter gamma suited for mounting within drill-collar walls. It contains our new single-board electronics cushioned between pre-molded pads, providing enhanced shock and vibration protection. With a significantly higher vibration tolerance and a greater sensitivity than 0.75” diameter gamma tools, the NGT-100 is the perfect small diameter solution for more demanding drilling environments.
Contact the CBG Corp Sales team to find out more!
Probe and collar mounted scintillator gamma tools
Custom Designs
CBG will design a custom gamma tool to meet your unique specifications. Whether a modification to an existing tool design or an entirely new model, our Engineers will work with you to design exactly what you need.
Calibration, Maintenance and Repair. High level performance testing.
World Leader in Directional Drilling Sensors
CBG is the largest supplier of Gamma Tools, with more than 20 models and over 9000 tools in operation worldwide. Originally designed for the Tensor system in the early 90’s, the NGT-T gamma tool was the first of its kind available to the independent Directional Drilling industry. With more than 150 companies worldwide currently using the NGT-T gamma tool, it remains the most reliable and cost effective tool in the industry to support horizontal and directional drill’s services.
Our Tools Have Been Used All Over The World